Elder Care Information

Elder Care Information

Arizona Senior Housing: Care Options for Seniors Who Can No Longer Live Alone

The following are a few of the care options available for seniors who can no longer live on their own and require assistance with their Activities of Daily Living (ADL), or require skilled nursing care. Every state is a little different in terms of availability and cost, state regulations, and the specific names used for each care option:Assisted Living Home- A facility consisting of 10 or fewer residents in a private home setting located in residential neighborhoods.

Advocate For Senior Citizens - Protecting Against Abuse and Fraud

Ruth is 87 years old this year and has been living alone since 1997. She is in good health, however the daily chores around the home became increasingly difficult.

What About Tennesse Dept. of Human Services Abuse of the Elderly and Their Families?

PART I: Physical Abuse of the Elderly vs. Tennessee DHS Abuse of FamiliesDuring the week of October 26, 2003, newspapers across the state of Tennessee published an Associated Press story that featured the glaring news headline, "Reports of neglect and abuse of senior citizens up 40% in six years.

Marketing, Selling, and Serving the Older Adult, Senior Citizens, Family Caregivers

Are your clients pleased by the fine quality service that you provide? Validating your clients' endorsement of you through Certification as a Senior Approved Service will increase your client base. Senior Approved Certification leads a family towards a service like yours side stepping the possibility of connecting with a less than desirable service.

Stairlifts - Take the Struggle Out of Climbing the Stairs

Buying a stairlift can have huge benefits for your quality of life, giving you back some freedom and independence. Stairlifts can be adapted to your individual needs, so no matter what your requirements are, there'll be one to suit you.

Helping Caregivers Get Comfortable Asking For Help

Becoming a care giver might not have been a conscious decision on your part. It may have arrived quietly and unnoticed because you are the adult child of your elderly parents who now require care or you may have a special needs child that exacts your constant attention or a friend or spouse has become very ill and needs your support.

Caring for Aging Relatives

It happens somewhat slowly in the beginning, maybe with a small cough that gets worse as time goes on. It might simply begin with absent mindedness which is totally out of character, followed by total memory lapses.

Long Term-Care; 70 Million Americans Will Be Over 65 by 2003

We will all grow old; this is a given. We will all have health issues as we grow older, this also is a given.

Honey, Where Are The Car Keys?

Q: My mother is always losing, hiding and hoarding things, I am losing my mind! What can I do to get her to stop?A: This is a great question and I have a lot of material to work with.My grand mother had made me the most beautiful doilies.

Long Term In-home Care Options

Are you worried that you may lose all your life's earnings and nest egg due to the rising costs of in-home long term care? As you get older do you have the necessary finances to protect yourself from going broke while slightly incapacitated? Many seniors are worried about are worried about the costs of long-term health care.Are you worried that if something happens to you, that you may run out of money and burn thru their reserves and all your nest egg.

Paying For Elder Care Just Got Easier

It's not a surprise that thousands of families across the nation are facing the challlenges of an aging population. The "sandwich" generation, those who are caring for their children as well as their parents, have been feeling the financial pinch of caring for loved ones.

Local Businesses Serving Seniors Prove Commitment to Quality Care

Good news! You no longer have to risk chance when it comes to selecting a reputable elder care service for yourself or for a loved one. Senior Approved Services has certified a select number of businesses in our area serving the elderly and disabled populations.

The Right Wheelchair Accessories Will Ease Your Life and Your Journeys on Wheels

Wheelchairs come in every shape and size with sufficient options that you can find the wheels you like to take you where you want to go with the assistance you need. To enhance the comfort and convenience of your journey, choose accessories tailored to provide the best support for your activities and your health concerns.

As the Baby Boomers Age

Many employees today are calling in sick - not to care for themselves or their children, but to care for their aging parents. Baby boomers are rapidly moving into the role of caregivers for their parents, but with a few extra challenges due to the changing face of our workforce.

The Best Investment You Can Make Right Now: Long Term Care Insurance

Don't think you need it? Consider this: a full 50% of Americans over the age of 50 will need long term care at some point in their lives. The average cost of nursing facility care (or home health care assistance) is $61,000 per year, and the average stay in a long term care facility is 2½ years.

More Articles from Elder Care Information:
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Frailty  Nova Scotia Health Authority

Geriatrics  Sinai Health

Ageing and health  World Health Organization

Ontario Building New Hospital in Moosonee  Government of Ontario News

Department of Aging  Governor Tom Wolf

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