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Advocate For Senior Citizens - Protecting Against Abuse and Fraud
Ruth is 87 years old this year and has been living alone since 1997. She is in good health, however the daily chores around the home became increasingly difficult. Ruth turned to her church bulletin and found a 'Home Care Company' advertised. Ruth is not unique in the fact that she is widowed and lives alone. According to the '2002 A Profile of Older Americans' published by the Administration on Aging (http://www.aoa.gov/aoa/stats/profile/4.html) 41% of women age 65 and over, are widowed and live alone. "The ad was in the church bulletin, I assumed this was a good company," her voice cracking from the pain and embarrassment this home care service eventually caused her. Unfortunately, Ruth is also not alone in the fact that she became victim to fraud. According to U.S. Senator Larry Craig, past ranking member of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, 'Vulnerable elders are being abused, neglected and exploited within their own homes and communities at an a alarming rate.' "The lady they sent to me was well groomed, she was polite, and I had no reason to distrust her. You could tell she was from a good family ?" Ruth went on to justify how quickly she was robbed of $4,200. Barbara Mascio, founder of Senior Approved Services, states "Ruth's story was just one of many incidences of abuse that I learned of while employed with a national home care company. The stories of abuse and fraud against this precious generation became the driving force behind the creation of Senior Approved Services." Senior Approved Services actively assists in protecting seniors by helping to connect them with businesses that have a verified history of providing excellent care. "We remain actively involved, a link between the senior receiving care and the business providing the care." "We are building a nationwide network of services, resources and products that seniors and their family caregivers can feel safe in contracting with. We are inviting all those concerned with the right of all seniors to receive excellent and safe care to help." See http://www.seniorsapprove.com for current listings of Certified Senior Approved Services or phone the Cleveland Ohio office at 216-883-3163 during normal business hours. Help promote awareness and help senior citizens avoid a business that may pose a threat to this vulnerable population, see http://www.qualityeldercare.com/advocate.html and also http://www.qualityeldercare.com/employ
MORE RESOURCES: The practicalities of the new Aged Care Act Law Society Journal Sunbound Recognized as Senior Living Finance Software of the Year from Elder Care Review PR Newswire Ontario Supporting Seniors and Their Caregivers Government of Ontario News Cree family worries about 97-year-old elder, needing long-term care far from home and culture CBC.ca Tallahassee agencies preparing for possible federal cutbacks as President Trump's funding freeze on hold WTXL ABC 27 Tallahassee News Anglican elder care specialist and advocate named to Order of Canada Anglican Journal Canada’s aging crisis and a call for reform in eldercare The Hill Times Senior and Older Adult Resources City of Hamilton CUPE endorses report on B.C. long-term care, urges other provinces to take note Canadian Union of Public Employees Kings Home Care Announce Launch of Compassionate Home Care Services in New Jersey - The Manila Times Opinion | The Decline in Geriatric Care Hurts Us All The New York Times Bay of Quinte Mohawks donate $60K each to Elder Care Home project, Belleville General Hospital Foundation Kingstonist Opinion | The Challenges of Health Care for the Elderly The New York Times When Elder Care Is All in the Stepfamily The New York Times Abuse of older people World Health Organization 'Failure of government': Nunavut elder care needs to be brought home, federal minister says - CBC.ca How companies can ease the strain on employees taking care of elderly parents or ill family members CNN Long-term care home moves forward in Surrey Fraser Health Authority Who Cares for the People Who Once Cared for Us? 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The Washington Post Officials strive for quality elder care China Daily Can Harris’s proposed ‘at-home Medicare’ end the dreaded ‘spend down’ of senior assets? The Guardian Wisconsin will need almost 10K more elder care workers to keep up with aging baby boomers Wisconsin Public Radio News B.C. judge orders $1.2 million home returned to victim in shocking case of elder abuse Vancouver Sun Seniors Housing Operating Performance Cushman & Wakefield Nurse pay rise starting soon Australian Ageing Agenda ‘A Jolt’: Inside the Operational Disruption at Nursing Homes from CMS’ Communication Freeze Skilled Nursing News Quebec is ‘one minute to midnight before a collapse of the elder-care system,’ provider says Montreal Gazette MLA presses government on status of elder-care home work Nunatsiaq News Elder Care Graduates in Hot Demand in China Sixth Tone Evolutionary game analysis of building a sustainable intelligent elderly care service platform Nature.com Seniors Helping Seniors® In-Home Care Services Expands to South Carolina’s Pee Dee Region 1851 Franchise CT long-term care insurance prices are skyrocketing. Here’s what to know. - The Connecticut Mirror CT long-term care insurance prices are skyrocketing. Here’s what to know. The Connecticut Mirror Ontario Building New Hospital in Moosonee Government of Ontario News Georgia State University, A.G. Rhodes Launch Innovative Elder Care Partnership Georgia State University News Automation Solutions for an Aging Society: The Future of Elder Care A3 Association for Advancing Automation Increasing Women's Workforce Participation in Mexico requires support for Child and Elder Care World Bank Wes Johnson Family Launches GoFundMe After Beloved Elder Scrolls Actor Found "Barely Alive" TheGamer Opportunities and challenges of integrating artificial intelligence in China's elderly care services Nature.com WHO calls for urgent transformation of care and support systems for older people World Health Organization Elder Care Assistive Robots Market Size, Share Report, 2030 Grand View Research When Caring for Your Parents Comes at a Cost to Your Career The Wall Street Journal Ensuring Families Have the Resources To Care for Older Adults Center For American Progress Will Pennsylvania’s Seniors Lose Care? 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Hinged Rail Stair Lifts If a door at the top or the bottom of the stairs may be blocked by the rail of the stairlift, there are a number of models designed to overcome this problem. Some manufacturers are able to produce a rail with reduced overhang upstairs, so the lift will not protrude as far into the hallway. Caregiving Across The Miles-Tips for Successful Long Distance Caregiving Caring for a parent or a loved one is a difficult job. Your duties as a caregiver become increasingly difficult as the miles increase between you and your loved one. Nursing Home Staffing Levels: How Much Is Enough? During the week of February 17, 2002, headlines screamed the news - more than 92% of US nursing homes fail to have an adequate number of staff to provide quality care for elderly residents. Newspapers and radio programs based their stories on the new study the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) recently provided to the Senate's Special Committee on Aging. Review of the Changing Protein Requirements for Seniors Youth, it is said, is wasted on the young. Too busy figuring life they hardly take the time to enjoy it. The Best Investment You Can Make Right Now: Long Term Care Insurance Don't think you need it? Consider this: a full 50% of Americans over the age of 50 will need long term care at some point in their lives. The average cost of nursing facility care (or home health care assistance) is $61,000 per year, and the average stay in a long term care facility is 2½ years. Respiratory Help Is Available For Seniors With COPD As HMOs Continue to Drop Coverage for Seniors - Now Over 500,000 Victims - Those Needing Expensive Respiratory Medication, Support and Homecare Services are the Hardest HitOne Patient Advocate, Geriatric Services of America, is Providing Relief to Victimized Patients Through a Unique, Often No-Cost ProgramMore than 536,000 US senior citizens are scrambling to find new doctors or new coverage because their health plans terminated their Medicare managed-care services, according to a Nonrenewal Report issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for the year 2002. Among the hardest hit are seniors in California (84,000), Florida (59,000), Pennsylvania (55,000), New Jersey (53,000), Texas (46,000), and Michigan (31,000), who will be losing coverage in the coming year. Scaling Down (almost) Painlessly Moving to a smaller house or apartment in a retirement community almost always involves a certain degree of trauma, both for the elder who's moving and for family members. However, by planning ahead you can reduce the discomfort involved and turn what might well become a nightmare into a pleasant event. Using The Proper Wheelchair Will Make Your Everyday Life Easier If you have an injury or a health problem that restricts your mobility, you can achieve the independence you desire with a wheelchair that's just right for you. Wheelchairs are constructed for people of every size, shape, and age, and have features designed to meet the many diverse interests of users and appropriate for the various levels of assistance required. 10 Tips to Keep a Family Caregiver from Losing Their Mind Caring full time for a loved one can be a challenging task, and it takes a special person to get the job done right. Patience and compassion are the two top qualities a caregiver must possess in order to be successful. Just Give Them a Lot of Love and You'll be Fine It was right about this time, 19 years ago. My wife and I were sitting in the very last Lamaze birthing class, soon to be brand new parents. Exercise Walking For Seniors: Preventing Foot Problems Exercise has a very important role in the general health and the quality of life of everyone, but especially in seniors. Seniors who walk tend to look younger, sleep more soundly and have fewer visits to the doctor. Long Term In-home Care Options Are you worried that you may lose all your life's earnings and nest egg due to the rising costs of in-home long term care? As you get older do you have the necessary finances to protect yourself from going broke while slightly incapacitated? Many seniors are worried about are worried about the costs of long-term health care.Are you worried that if something happens to you, that you may run out of money and burn thru their reserves and all your nest egg. What About Tennesse Dept. of Human Services Abuse of the Elderly and Their Families? PART I: Physical Abuse of the Elderly vs. Tennessee DHS Abuse of FamiliesDuring the week of October 26, 2003, newspapers across the state of Tennessee published an Associated Press story that featured the glaring news headline, "Reports of neglect and abuse of senior citizens up 40% in six years. Paying For Elder Care Just Got Easier It's not a surprise that thousands of families across the nation are facing the challlenges of an aging population. The "sandwich" generation, those who are caring for their children as well as their parents, have been feeling the financial pinch of caring for loved ones. Angels Are Reaching Out to the Elderly I am reminded time after time of the profound effect Angels have on people. Recently, I have been receiving manyemails containing examples of how the Angels are reaching through the veils to assist the elderly. Scaling Down (Almost) Painlessly Moving to a smaller house or apartment in a retirement community almost always involves a certain degree of trauma, both for the elder who's moving and for family members. However, by planning ahead you can reduce the discomfort involved and turn what might well become a nightmare into a pleasant event. Arizona Senior Housing: Care Options for Seniors Who Can No Longer Live Alone The following are a few of the care options available for seniors who can no longer live on their own and require assistance with their Activities of Daily Living (ADL), or require skilled nursing care. Every state is a little different in terms of availability and cost, state regulations, and the specific names used for each care option:Assisted Living Home- A facility consisting of 10 or fewer residents in a private home setting located in residential neighborhoods. Board and Care Homes - What Are They? Board and Care homes (also known as RCFE's - Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly) are residential private homes that have been licensed by the Department of Social Services to provide services to seniors. Most accept no more than six residents, but offer a cozy, home-like setting for frail seniors. What Most Long Term Care Professionals Don't Know Medicare recognizes this need and, therefore reimburses your residents to receive advanced behavioral health services? making them free to your facility!Psychologists provide a wide variety of valuable and testedclinical services that can provide a big shot in the arm to yournursing home care. For example:1. What Colour was Your Great-grandmothers Hair? I've just made another Photoshop video. This one is about colour tinting (or "colorizing") an old photo. ![]() |
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