Elder Care Information

Advocate For Senior Citizens - Protecting Against Abuse and Fraud

Ruth is 87 years old this year and has been living alone since 1997. She is in good health, however the daily chores around the home became increasingly difficult. Ruth turned to her church bulletin and found a 'Home Care Company' advertised.

Ruth is not unique in the fact that she is widowed and lives alone. According to the '2002 A Profile of Older Americans' published by the Administration on Aging (http://www.aoa.gov/aoa/stats/profile/4.html) 41% of women age 65 and over, are widowed and live alone.

"The ad was in the church bulletin, I assumed this was a good company," her voice cracking from the pain and embarrassment this home care service eventually caused her.

Unfortunately, Ruth is also not alone in the fact that she became victim to fraud. According to U.S. Senator Larry Craig, past ranking member of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, 'Vulnerable elders are being abused, neglected and exploited within their own homes and communities at an a alarming rate.'

"The lady they sent to me was well groomed, she was polite, and I had no reason to distrust her. You could tell she was from a good family ?" Ruth went on to justify how quickly she was robbed of $4,200.

Barbara Mascio, founder of Senior Approved Services, states "Ruth's story was just one of many incidences of abuse that I learned of while employed with a national home care company. The stories of abuse and fraud against this precious generation became the driving force behind the creation of Senior Approved Services."

Senior Approved Services actively assists in protecting seniors by helping to connect them with businesses that have a verified history of providing excellent care. "We remain actively involved, a link between the senior receiving care and the business providing the care."

"We are building a nationwide network of services, resources and products that seniors and their family caregivers can feel safe in contracting with. We are inviting all those concerned with the right of all seniors to receive excellent and safe care to help."

See http://www.seniorsapprove.com for current listings of Certified Senior Approved Services or phone the Cleveland Ohio office at 216-883-3163 during normal business hours.

Help promote awareness and help senior citizens avoid a business that may pose a threat to this vulnerable population, see http://www.qualityeldercare.com/advocate.html and also http://www.qualityeldercare.com/employ


Abuse of older people  World Health Organization

Ageing and health  World Health Organization

Assisted Living Technology  Panasonic Canada

Nurse pay rise starting soon  Australian Ageing Agenda

Ontario Building New Hospital in Moosonee  Government of Ontario News

Department of Aging  Governor Tom Wolf

Award-winning care at home  Bellarine Times

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