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Strategies on Paying for Nursing Home Care and Medicaid
The decision to place your loved one into a nursing home is anextremely difficult decision, often causing much guilt for thecaregiver. It is a very emotional decision for most clients we see andmost are under a certain amount of stress, often great, when facing whatthey consider to be a drastic course of action. I counsel ourcaregiver clients to get beyond the guilt as quickly as they can,because the situation their loved one is in is not the caregiver'sfault. And besides, the longer you remain under this stress, the lesshealthy you eat, or you eat way too much, the less you sleep, and somestart drinking (my own mother started this late at night after she gotmy dad settled in bed for the evening - not healthy to say the least). The stress of caring for a loved one is constant and unrelenting. Itis a physical, mental and emotional grind. On numerous occasions, wehave actually had caregiver clients die before the spouse in the nursinghome. Sometimes, the caregivers die shortly after the nursing homespouse dies. The stress of being a caregiver can be deadly serious,especially for older clients who are caregivers for their spouse. You have to recognize it and develop a plan to deal with it. Get your children involved in developing a plan to deal with yourloved one's incapacity. And remember, plan for the absolute worst casescenario. Get to an attorney who can help you develop a plan to help youwith your particular situation. And this is especially important as soonas you detect any signs of dementia in your parent or spouse, or as soonas you begin to detect physical problems with your loved one. The sooneryou begin the plan, the better off the family will be. NOW, HOW DO WE PAY FOR MAMA'S NURSING HOME CARE? There arereally only three ways to pay for a stay in a nursing home. LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE (LTCI). If Mama was far-sighted enough, shemay have purchased LTCI in the past before she needed it. This would bean excellent source of funds to help defray some or all of Mama's longterm care costs. Unfortunately, very few seniors, those over age 60,have LTCI coverage. SELF PAY. This essentially means that Mama has enough income orfinancial assets to pay her own way in the nursing home. However, manyfamilies don't have the income or the financial asset base to be able topay $4,000 to $7,500 or more a month for a bed for very long in anursing home. MEDICAID. This is a state-administered medical benefit program whichwill pay for the cost of a nursing home stay if three tests are met,i.e., medical need, asset, and income. Medicaid is obviously aneeds-based program, funded partially by state funds, but mostly byfederal funds. Many people are under the mistaken impression thatMEDICARE, which most seniors in this country over age sixty-fiveparticipate in to one degree or another, will cover the cost of theirstay in a nursing home. (c) Copyright 2005 P.L.Fields LLC P.L. Fields is a Medicaid Expert and President of SeniorStrategies, a service that helps seniors save time and money. Tolearn more about the secret strategies and solutions that Medicaidlawyers charge to get clients qualified for Medicaid, while protectingtheir assets, visit: http://www.medicaidsecrets.info
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Arizona Assisted Living: Resident Rights According to the Arizona Administrative Code (R9-10-710), those who reside in assisted living facilities in Arizona have certain rights. In addition to having the right to live in an environment that promotes dignity, independence, self-determination, individuality, privacy and the right of choice, the following are a few of the rights given to residents who reside in assisted living facilities:1. Why Everyone Over 50 Should be Training for the Senior Games by Phil Campbell, M.S. Just Give Them a Lot of Love and You'll be Fine It was right about this time, 19 years ago. My wife and I were sitting in the very last Lamaze birthing class, soon to be brand new parents. Using The Proper Wheelchair Will Make Your Everyday Life Easier If you have an injury or a health problem that restricts your mobility, you can achieve the independence you desire with a wheelchair that's just right for you. 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Among the hardest hit are seniors in California (84,000), Florida (59,000), Pennsylvania (55,000), New Jersey (53,000), Texas (46,000), and Michigan (31,000), who will be losing coverage in the coming year. The Truth About Christmas Every year, as Christmas approaches, you hear Christmas carols everywhere. Sometimes to the point where another Silent Night would make you want to silent the sound system. Mom Wont Participate! Q: Six months ago we placed my mother in an assisted living facility. She gets along fairly well, but we thought she would get involved with all of the activities. 10 Tips to Keep a Family Caregiver from Losing Their Mind Caring full time for a loved one can be a challenging task, and it takes a special person to get the job done right. Patience and compassion are the two top qualities a caregiver must possess in order to be successful. How To Find Affordable Senior Housing A few years ago Miranda M. became a widow. What Colour was Your Great-grandmothers Hair? I've just made another Photoshop video. This one is about colour tinting (or "colorizing") an old photo. Paying For Elder Care Just Got Easier It's not a surprise that thousands of families across the nation are facing the challlenges of an aging population. The "sandwich" generation, those who are caring for their children as well as their parents, have been feeling the financial pinch of caring for loved ones. Scaling Down (Almost) Painlessly Moving to a smaller house or apartment in a retirement community almost always involves a certain degree of trauma, both for the elder who's moving and for family members. However, by planning ahead you can reduce the discomfort involved and turn what might well become a nightmare into a pleasant event. Assisted Living Facilities - What Are They? Assisted Living facilities are generally for person's 60 years of age and older. Typical candidates need assistance with "Activities of Daily Living" (ADLs), but wish to live as independently as possible. Advocate For Senior Citizens - Protecting Against Abuse and Fraud Ruth is 87 years old this year and has been living alone since 1997. She is in good health, however the daily chores around the home became increasingly difficult. Prepare to Make Long-term Care Choices Several months ago, I was coming out of a gas station when a woman stopped me and asked me what I did for a living. On the back of our van is our web address. Whos Gonna Take Care of You When Youre Old? I finally went to the doctor this morning for my bad cold. My appointment was for 9:30 am and yet I didn't get home until after 1:00 pm. Marketing, Selling, and Serving the Older Adult, Senior Citizens, Family Caregivers Are your clients pleased by the fine quality service that you provide? Validating your clients' endorsement of you through Certification as a Senior Approved Service will increase your client base. Senior Approved Certification leads a family towards a service like yours side stepping the possibility of connecting with a less than desirable service. Angels Are Reaching Out to the Elderly I am reminded time after time of the profound effect Angels have on people. Recently, I have been receiving manyemails containing examples of how the Angels are reaching through the veils to assist the elderly. When Assistance with Long Term Care Becomes Necessary According to the Administration on Aging, it is estimated by 2030, the older population will more than double to approximately 71.5 million. Who Wants to End Up in a Nursing Home? NO ONE! As a long-term care consultant for seniors and their families I have visited many different types of facilities. But my favorite type of facility to visit is adult family homes. ![]() |
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